Personalized nutrition at your fingertips
Personalized nutrition at your fingertips
Personalized nutrition at your fingertips
Browse recipes and pre-made meals, manage your health with tools created by our dietitians, and connect with a dietitian—from any device.
Browse recipes and pre-made meals, manage your health with tools created by our dietitians, and connect with a dietitian—from any device.
Browse recipes and pre-made meals, manage your health with tools created by our dietitians, and connect with a dietitian—from any device.

If you're looking to change how you eat to manage a condition like diabetes or obesity or to support your overall health, Season can help.
If you're looking to change how you eat to manage a condition like diabetes or obesity or to support your overall health, Season can help.
Our platform provides you with the following:

A tailored experience
Season helps our members manage
health conditions
like diabetes, kidney disease, and obesity, and reach health and wellness goals.
Access a menu of pre-made meals and recipes
tailored to support your personal health
concerns and goals.
Learn how to make small, sustainable changes
with tools developed by our team of nutrition experts.

A menu made for you
Browse thousands of chef-developed, dietitian approved recipes
and build your shopping list in the Season app.
Shop our menu of tasty, pre-made meals,
approved by our dietitians to provide nutrition at your convenience.
Our dietitian-led technology tailors your menu
to ensure all food supports your specific
health goals.
Customize your menu with any household needs or preferences
such as food allergies, intolerances, and ingredients you wish to avoid.

Personal care and support
Opt to meet with a registered dietitian
for one-on-one care or use our self-guided tools to reach your health goals.
We'll match you with a dietitian who specializes in your condition
or health goal. They’ll work with you to create a personalized plan that works for you.
Learn more about nutrition and how it affects your health,
set goals, and track your progress with
our digital tools.

A tailored experience
A tailored experience
Season helps our members manage health conditions
Season helps our members manage health conditions
like diabetes, kidney disease, and obesity, and reach health
and wellness goals.
like diabetes, kidney disease, and obesity, and reach health
and wellness goals.
Access a menu of pre-made meals and recipes
Access a menu of pre-made meals and recipes
tailored to support your personal health concerns and goals.
tailored to support your personal health concerns and goals.
Learn how to make small, sustainable changes
Learn how to make small, sustainable changes
with tools developed by our team of nutrition experts.
with tools developed by our team of nutrition experts.

A menu made for you
A menu made for you
Browse thousands of chef-developed, dietitian approved recipes
Browse thousands of chef-developed, dietitian approved recipes
and build your shopping list in the Season app.
and build your shopping list in the Season app.
Shop our menu of tasty, pre-made meals,
Shop our menu of tasty, pre-made meals,
approved by our dietitians to provide nutrition at your convenience.
approved by our dietitians to provide nutrition at your convenience.
Our dietitian-led technology tailors your menu
Our dietitian-led technology tailors your menu
to ensure all food supports your specific health goals.
to ensure all food supports your specific health goals.
Customize your menu with any household needs or preferences
Customize your menu with any household needs or preferences
such as food allergies, intolerances, and ingredients you wish to avoid.
such as food allergies, intolerances, and ingredients you wish to avoid.

Personal care and support
Personal care and support
Opt to meet with a registered dietitian
Opt to meet with a registered dietitian
for one-on-one care or use our self-guided tools to reach your health goals.
for one-on-one care or use our self-guided tools to reach your health goals.
We'll match you with a dietitian who specializes in your condition
We'll match you with a dietitian who specializes in your condition
or health goal. They’ll work with you to create a personalized plan that works for you.
or health goal. They’ll work with you to create a personalized plan that works for you.
Learn more about nutrition and how it affects your health,
Learn more about nutrition and how it affects your health,
set goals, and track your progress with our digital tools.
set goals, and track your progress with our digital tools.
Good food and trusted care, all in one app
Good food and trusted care, all in one app
Good food and trusted care, all in one app
Good food and trusted care, all in one app
One-on-one meetings with a dietitian, covered by insurance*
One-on-one meetings with a dietitian, covered by insurance*
One-on-one meetings with a dietitian, covered by insurance*
Thousands of chef-designed recipes
Thousands of chef-designed recipes
Thousands of chef-designed recipes
Pre-made meals that fit your life
Pre-made meals that fit your life
Pre-made meals that fit your life
Built-in delivery and pick-up
Built-in delivery and pick-up
Built-in delivery and pick-up
Ongoing education and advice
Ongoing education and advice
Ongoing education and advice